Rules of Engagement – A Star is Born Rd VII An Artists Collaboration

If this gets bad, it gets bad for all of us.
– Rules of Engagement 2000


from Miami Florida, Childs Welcome Back. Missed You


an artists collaboration

Came across a question on Quora, that read “What’s the difference between Teamwork and a Collaboration?” I will try to return to Quora with a response, if i do not lose track of it again.

Teamwork is working or pitching in on a project together, but the plans or guidelines are generally in place, and the ultimate benefit is delivered to a central person or organization. A true collaboration, is when each Artists creates and delivers, something of themselves, perhaps a song or a painting or a poem, then the pieces or works of art, are spun together, and while the work of each artist remains individual, the completed production becomes, The Show.

official4On Sunday, December 6, The Final Four will square off in Round VII the artists collaboration round. Each Nominee selected their own team, the only criteria was, they had to be The Neighborhood Artists or have made a contribution if they only passed through. Each collaborative faces, not just their toughest performance, but the most demanding week since the start of the competition, as judging eyes will be on them all week.

Collaborations have always been in motion here. A very public posting of the early community building plan, collaborations are front and center. But many times, plans derail and becomes teamwork, as an artists may simply give permission to use a song, but has taken no other interests in the performance.  This deep into a popular and ground breaking online show, with 7 talented artists already fallen,  An Artists Collaboration in The Final Four on The Neighborhood stage, while the world is watching, would be a travesty if not executed as expected of an ensemble of such brilliant artists.

Rules of Engagement

Scoring  for the first time in the competition, there will be an even split of power among the Voting Panels.

Public Vote: 25%
Judges Panel: 25%
The Inner Council: 25%
Producer: 25%

On Sunday, Dec 6th at 7PM PST (Monday 4AM CET) the Nominees and their special guests performers, will take center stage and  deliver An Artists Collaboration. The Public Voting Booth opens simultaneously, remaining so until 10:00 AM PST Monday the 7th. Immediately following certification of the public vote by the Chair of the Council and the Lead Judge of the Panel,  all scores are turned over to the lead Judge, who will carefully calculate all 4 scorecards , however long it takes, then presents the results to the shows Producer, and I will deliver them to you.

In Falling Star: Send in the Clown – the elimination episode – normally, only the losing artists gets booted, sometimes very dignified and sometimes, we send in the clown. But Round VII is different. After the presentation of The Top 3 via thepublicblogger FB Page, the losing Artists will immediately be thrown from the stage and the collaborative team they built….. will suffer the same fate

Only The Lives We Live existed as a Social Media/Blogosphere based Reality Show. When James D. Foster was announced the winner, he was greeted with an incredible Facebook parade. But its predecessor has deepened the game and raised the stakes;  On December 30,  the viewing audience, will not simply be presented a winner, but will have front row seats in an online coliseum… as the world’s newest Star is Born.

  • Kendall F. Person aka thepublicblogger, Creator of The Neighborhood and Producer of the Shows.


click photo to enlarge
A Star is Born An Artists Colaboration





9 Comments on “Rules of Engagement – A Star is Born Rd VII An Artists Collaboration

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