The Blogosphere, the Neighborhood

Building The Neighborhood into the destination of my vision, is not without challenges, but there is never a day,I am not humbled, proud and dedicated to following that vision through. The Blogosphere, the Neighborhood – from the blog Hike and Forage – has reminded me of why I started and why there is no turning back. You are appreciated.

9 Comments on “The Blogosphere, the Neighborhood

  1. Kendall, keep doing what you do. I’ve made some amazing connections – thanks to you. 🙂


  2. Thanks, Kendall, for introducing us to this blogger, who in turn truly introduced me to you.


  3. It´s my honour for having met your work Mr. Kendall, and my guess that quite a few people feel the same. Every time I pass through your blog you make it interesting(not only through writing but how the blog/posts are set up), you bring up relevant-important issues, you are a source of inspiration, and I´m glad I´ve had the chance to “meet” you. You´re the man, hope this last for some time.
