Review: One Life to LIve on The Public Blogger

The Thinker

Unbroken Link to Full Review by C.J. Leger

Unbroken Link to One Life to Live by Kendall F. Person

C. J. Leger

One often thinks of writing as a silent art, where reading and contemplating become actions that people can take, if the material is inspirational enough. But where some pieces may hold an inspirational message, yet not the opening attraction to relay it, other pieces become a show all on their own with a powerful message that wraps you in immediately.

That’s what I came accross when I ventured onto The Public Blogger, initially referred to by Kendall F. Person, and found the post One LIfe to Live. If not because another word has not yet been invented for a written pictureless, videoless, actorless, show; I would be tempted to call this post a theater piece. Because that is what is conveyed with the exquisite use of accompanying music, which boasts an immaculate level of inspirational prowess while the reader discovers a poem-like literary performance unlike any traditional…

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4 Comments on “Review: One Life to LIve on The Public Blogger

  1. Sometimes those voices of hate get so wrapped up in my head, I feel like I’m walking in circles and it isn’t until someone else tells me that those voices are from my own self and I need to reflect, meditate, and focus on something different…either through art, writing, or listening to music. Simply find an outlet and send loving, kind, peaceful thoughts to myself: this is what helps me.


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