The Flashing Inn

‘Have fun’ is my message. Be silly.
You’re allowed to be silly.
There’s nothing wrong with it.
– Jimmy Fallon


Every Evening
by 2AM Club


(spun from a quora response about professionalism)

Professionalism is a Misunderstood Word
by Kendall F. Person

The Flashing Inn
Amy and her crazy boyfriend Charles, vacationed on a free spirited beach at an overpriced Inn, that took months to finally get in. What made The Flashing Inn so special? You see, every single time, Amy and Charles – or anyone for that matter – walked through the innkeepers front door, someone flashed. And this went on all day long and the placed stayed jammed packed. And the only time anyone left, was to walk through so the new people or the vacationing rebel rousers could be pummeled with lots and lots of flashes.

The Flashing Inn

Hotel, Kayak Wallpaper

The bar was ran with utter efficiency and the food was magnificent. The Flashing Inn even kept muscle men on hand. Not to stop fights, since the Inn’s reputation preceded itself, and there never were any to speak of. So the musclemen were hired to carry the laughing, vacationing, flashing-time-of-their-lives-having-vacationers the few feet to their luxurious rooms.

There were more than a few prudes, who thought the level of unprofessionalism was simply unbearable and never left their room. Because when they did a sequence of flashes erupted and oh, they would tell everyone “Heathens all!!” Little did they know, that their outrage had helped double the prices and sell out The Flashing Inn for months. But that was not the real lesson unlearned. They simply did not understand, that the pettiness in government and on the news had infiltrated so deep, that a mindless, schedule less, un-divisive vacation of flashes was exactly what the world needed.

Breaking News The White House Burping Contest exposed
CNN has been reporting for the last 3 days in elaborate descriptions and raucous debates, that took themselves way to seriously, about the now infamous White House Burping contest. It is thought to have been leaked, when one of the young guns felt shafted when the Chief of Staff was awarded the title. The guest panel on CNN – sometimes measuring seven strong – inclusive of politicians, academics and world renowned journalist went on and on until only Fox News was the only remaining audience.

White House

The Nut House by cactus cowboy

When Fox News had enough of CNN’s latest which hunt, they put forward their most dramatic and ridiculous spin. Burping Contest would suddenly rise in stature. and be hailed as the American Way. Video tapes of Hillary would be scoured with teams of high priced investigators pointing to every time a burp should have come out “Oh my God. Her 3rd sip of Pepsi, no one can withstand that type of pressure.”

”Lock her up!” a crowd would chant from a small convention center in Maricopa County Arizona. And as the final measuring: burping contest would set the new standard for entry into the country, as the demographic with the lowest average burping decibel, would be placed on the ban list for being unexceptional.

When word got out about The Flashing Inn and cable news media descended, it did not take long before the luster was gone and the silliest place on earth for absolute fun was lost. But those who had been during its heyday, would often recount it as the best damn getaway.

The President soon declared that no one burped louder than him, although proof was unsustained. It meant absolutely nothing, but for four whole days, it gripped cable news as if it was everything. But its most notable moment – recounted by historians at a future point – was when it was declared as the very first and only scandal in the Trump era to find an end.

this is…. The Neighborhood reporting
The Neighborhood reporting

a satirical bit of comedy relief to Mental Health Awareness Week, which continues tomorrow. (big smile)