Gangsta White House


white house mafia

Going gangster is not at all new, in fact, American gangsters have been as famous as movie stars, and as powerful as heads of state & Fortune 500 CEOs. Interests in both legal and illegal contraband, a few are well-known, like Al Capone and Suge Knight. But the real shot-callers dwell underground, known only to the FBI.

Have we fallen victim to alt-facts; have we lost control of the imagination, now clashing with reality? Or should we believe our lying eyes and ponder the very real question: Did The White House just go gangsta?


from Detroit Michigan
Hussle Crowe with Kno U Lying


Did The White House Just Go Gangsta?
written & edited by Kendall F. Person

Those of us in our late 40s and higher, know to be true, that the current administration, spring boarding off the Tea Party infiltration, has not just hijacked the Republican Party, but may have given birth to something entirely new. I have never been a member of the GOP, and to my knowledge, never even knew a member of the party until my collegiate days. But I knew their campaigns, like Family Values. And although, I did not agree with their overly righteous attitudes and rigid parameters, but at least in theory, it was aligned in mutual respect and decency.

“What I want to do is I want to
fucking kill all the leakers.”
– Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci

Maybe he was testing the waters, to see how far he could go. Perhaps, he was throwing down the gauntlet, to show them all what he would do. Or could it have been something sinister or gangsta even; when Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci went on his very public streetballer tirade, was he acting on his own or following orders from the very top, wherever the top may lead?

The interview with The New Yorker stemmed from a “leaked” meeting the night before. The Mooch met with Sean Hannity, as well as the President —  in a restaurant, no less (picture Goodfellas or a friendly dinner – your call).

“Anyone who hits Me,
We’re going to hit back 10 times harder.”
– Donald Trump, US President

Mooch’s rant was mostly directed at Reince Priebus, who has since become the shortest serving White House Chief of Staff in American history. The showdown was predicted to be a battle royale, but it turned into a rout. Maybe Reince did not hit back, because it is not in him to do so: or perhaps, he knew he was in way over his head, knowing he could not breathe in the depths were gangstas dwell. Or maybe he realized, there was nothing to fight for, since under the current administration, the GOP was in name only.  

“With malice toward none,
with charity for all,
with firmness in [what’s] right,
as God gives us to see [what is] right
let us strive on to finish the work we are in,
to bind up the nation’s wounds.”
– Abraham Lincoln

From “Lock her up!” to Grab them by the pussy; from restricting treatment for drug users, to prosecuting them with orders for maximum sentencing. From nepotism to the ego maniacal speech delivered to the Boy Scouts of America. From bullying of everyday people, to the twitter attacks of his own inner circle. From the $25 million dollar settlement by the debunked Trump University to former students, to becoming one of only three nations to flip the middle finger at climate change & global warming. And from Russia with love to aligning with a mob-styled character, as the voice of a United States President. I want to fucking kill all the leakers. The emperor has on no clothes.

Do we now have an official 3rd political party, and does draining the swamp, in gangsta speak mean to break the fuck away from decency, while blasting salt into the wounds? Or is this simply a new version of the same Grand Ole Party, who never buried their demons of which now they stand face to face. Will they abandon themselves, falling in line like lemmings, bowing down to a Boss, whose allegiance is to an unknown entity? Will they cross party lines and join an unbending resistance; or will they hit back 20 times harder, temporarily becoming gangsta themselves, to take back the Republican Party and help save a democracy?

Updated July 31, 2017 2:57pm PST: After only 10 days as the White House Director of Communications, Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci was showed the way out. 



  1. I was just laughing about what Trump says but after he is encouraging police brutality by telling the cops not to be nice just throw them in their cars I got upset . I have to get myself together and think of him as a joke or my adreneline goes up

    Liked by 1 person

    • I understand. But for better or for worse, he is the president, and it is my hope that either he means well and the General Kelly positioning as Chief of Staff is a sincere step, or that he doesn’t cause lasting damage. Thank you for checking in. So good to have you in The Neighborhood.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent post. it is heartening to know that some American people dislike the methods of this maniac , his family and his henchmen. It is very disturbing to have heard the chanting and applause at the Scouts talk and indeed to see the smiles and the applause and cheering when he suggested to police officers that those arrested should be allowed to be injured after arrest. He obviously has some support for his cause in both these institutions. Hopefully the new ego on the block with the vulgar tongue will cause so much damage that the Republicans can shout STOP!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is a tale of two colors, and how each views his presidency so differently, is probably morel elementary than we imagine. But in the end, the flag binds us together and I hope that will be enough. Thank you for checking and being a part of The Neighborhood.


  3. Good post, that’s true and the fact is that it has always been Gangsta covertly, now it’s gone public that’s all.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Prior to 2016, The Neighborhood had not been political at all. And prior to now, it has rarely taken sides, because I was hesitant to deviate from an all-inclusive forum. But sometimes, there is a hill to take an absolute stand on. And this one. Thanks for checking in and being a part of The Neighborhood.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Excellent post! We have entered into a new and frightening age that will affect all corners of the globe. I fear my country is too close and I fear for the rights of all Americans.

    Liked by 2 people

    • It is unnerving, but there are strong signs, that those in power have not turned a blind eye and in fact, reaching their limits. Hopefully, we make it to the light without too much lasting damage. Thank you for checking in (big smile)

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