

Sometimes the transition from being in control of your life, to having absolutely no control is swift, but other times it is so gradual, that you wonder exactly when it truly began. – Mickey Rooney




There is no need to imagine, most of us will admit, and all of us know, that there have been times in our lives when we were spinning in circles, some of us even spinning out of control.  Running so fast and so hard, accomplishing nothing, but the ability to convince others, and sometimes ourselves that we are one step closer from becoming rulers of the world. Sometimes, we run out breathe. And we pull our tired bodies into our beds and fall into a sleep, wanting to believe that tomorrow, we will focus on the path we have chosen, and stop the spinning, because we really do have goals and a mission that we long to achieve.

Sometimes, we actually see it coming. The transition we say we want. But fear overtakes our moving from comfort or rut into an unknown existence, unwilling to roll the dice. So we pretend we do not see it – the open window of opportunity – and at the point it shuts close, our dreams return, but the mind games they bring along. “Next time, for sure,” We say. “I’ll jump through it.” But the next time comes and goes the same way.

There are times in our lives when we have no dreams of our own, but we long to achieve something more. So we latch onto a ride, hoping it takes us higher, instead we weight it down, and the mission loses momentum and this time when we fall, we bring others with us. And now a mountain of perceived ruins, either harden our hearts or fills us with guilt and shame, disabling our drive, and dousing the flickering dreams. So we stand in the mirror, making mock peace with ourselves, that we have become all that we will ever be.

But one day it happens, a transition non expected: a new love, a new goal, a rekindling of the spirit. A rebirth of our youth and the wisdom in our age, allows us to pick ourselves up, dust away the pain, and step into the transition, with neither fear nor joy of heart, but with the experienced knowledge, that a dream unfulfilled does not harm us, nor should it devalue what we tried to achieve. But a dream never gone after, will be the ghost in the nightmares, that haunt our eternal sleep.

  • Kendall F. Person, thepublicblogger


26 Comments on “Transitions


  2. Pingback: CONGRESSIONAL 22: How The Political State Affects Our Mental Health – The Neighborhood

  3. Thank you, Kendall, for a beautifully written, many layered piece, that shines a light on the big picture – of not just ourselves as individuals, but how our choices relate to our country, and therefore, our planet.
    We all need encouragement, especially now, to be steadfast and true, brave and kind-letting our hearts and not our fears guide us.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very good article. The missed opportunities prepare us for the eventual successes. Thanks for the reminders.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This just gave me strength and hope. Made me look at my current situation with more clarity. Thank you. Great read!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on Mathias Everson and commented:
    Getting caught in where we want to go will so often leave us wanting to achieve something more, and there are times where we strive to be doing things, but not actually complete a goal.

    A great post

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: WTF? | Art by Rob Goldstein

  8. “but with the experienced knowledge, that a dream unfulfilled does not harm us, nor should it devalue what we tried to achieve.”

    Very insightful piece.. I like 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Have you been reading my mind Kendall? When we do jump through that window is to fulfill a dream, and the motivation to succeed at that point is that failure is looming if we don’t give it every thing we’ve got. Change is hard! Leaving behind your paycheck to make your own way takes determination and shear will. It’s hard, but it’s worth it. (I think) we just keep at it and hope for the best.

    Liked by 1 person