Wisdom to Believe in Ourselves

what to believe

由美國thepublicblogger.com 舉辦,2014年度最佳勵志類博客網站/博文的七位被提名人名單已經誕生,首先,我對被提名者表示熱烈的祝賀。作為2013年度相同獎項的冠軍得主以及今年的評判,我認為今年被成功提名的作品都是極富啟發性的佳作,它們不單能夠觸動我的心靈,也相信能夠使人們從信息的更深層意義中,獲得改善自己人生的啟迪。 在今年年底的時候,我們將會選出一名冠軍,不難想像,要在已經最好的名單中挑選最好,將會是一項極富挑戰性的任務…….…祝大家好運。
What2believe  (光靈)


what to believe

what2believe, Hong Kong

My heartiest congratulations to the seven nominees for the 2014 Best self-help blog/post award presented by thepublicblogger.com.  Being the winner of the same award in 2013 as well as one of the judges for this year, I have found your works truly inspirational, not only touching my heart, I believe people’s lives can be literally transformed for the better through deeper understanding of the messages. By the very end of 2014, only one will be selected out of the list of seven as the final award winner, I am sure you can imagine how challenging it will be for us to pick the best from already the best…..good luck.  – What2believe, Hong Kong



‘Difficulties’ by What2believe
Winner 2013 Best Self-Help post

The difficulties you encounter in your life are not supposed to torture you, but a reminder to let you know that you have some unfinished life lessons to which you need to address, it simply means you have not yet transcended a particular test life has to offer you.

Whenever you encounter difficulty in life, the first thing that you would say to yourself is “Thank you”, for life is finding a way to bring you an experience you need at a deeper level.

See difficulty encountered in life as catalyst to examine inwardly your state of being, so that you can choose again to change your perspective and attitude towards a particular situation you labelled as suffering.

What to believe

by Dave King

and the nominees for the 2014 Best Self-Help Post are…..

from the blog, LIJIUN
nominated post ‘The power of a SMILE….’


what to believe

May the elderly grandma be well and happy!

We may not all read books of inspiration or listen to motivational tapes or write our own goals down and place them in a visible place to read every day, and while each of these methods offers something positive to help us stay focused, LIJUN reminds us of the power of a smile and the difference it can make.

{excerpt from The power of a SMILE}
A little gesture of kindness can bring tremendous happiness to other’s life!  Why not just do it! Don’t delay, don’t give excuses….give your unconditional loving kindness and BIG SMILE! You can always make a difference in your life and others too! 


from the blog, Captain Excellent
nominated post  ‘The Highest Calling of Mankind’


what to believe

The Highest Calling of Mankind

There are some offering advice or words of wisdom, that force a climb up a hill to get it, no doubt believing, anything worth having is worth working for, and that includes knowledge. {Man} He does not trust himself with his own power of creation and ability to wield his tools with integrity. But reaching the top is worth the climb as artistic or spiritual freedom awaits. {Man} In his own Luminosity he finds shadowless, free to paint his canvass in rapturous tones. – {excerpt from The Highest Calling of Mankind}


from Welcome to our MindMedicine blog!
nominated post ‘Life is a Process of Becoming’

what2believe The conversational flow and writing style of  Life is a Process of Becoming  feels like we are sitting next to a good friend. The writing voice speaks directly to us, making the positive affirmations feel real, not like words upon a page. And even if you find the summation more than a bit optimistic, the subheading alone is worth the nomination. Acceptance, Allowing, Freedom, Peace, Self-Development, Self-Help, Self-Love, Wisdom {excerpt from Life is a Process of Becoming}




from the blog, Ramblings of a Young Christian Woman
nominated post ‘A Sassy 17 Year Old and & An Unveiled Passion’

what to believe

A Sassy 17 Year Old & An Unveiled Passion

Her ramblings are about, and her passion is of her devout faith and her determination to fulfill the mission He has for her. That Spring, the Lord awakened a part of my heart I never knew existed. Rather we are of the same faith or religion or spiritual belief, makes no difference in being inspired by her dedication, and motivated by the intensity of A Sassy 17 Year Old and & {Her}An Unveiled Passion to make a contribution to humanity.



from the blog, Ahmad Al Charif
nominated post ‘Wake Up’

what to believe

Wake Up!

When was the last time you gave your soul something it really wanted?
Posing such a heavy question, we would anticipate an even heavier solution, but this is not the case. While Ahmad Al Charif may be a spiritual philosopher, who speaks to our inner self, he understands that to penetrate the chaos that sometimes surrounds, he must speak in a way that we hear and listen. When was the last time you sat in silence, completely still, and you felt whole, complete, and at peace?  Wake Up inspires us to do just that, by simply allowing our inner voice to hear itself think.


from the blog, Star in Moi
nominated post Think Thursday: Accept Your Growth!


what to believe

Accept Your Growth!


We are the accumulation of the days of our lives. With every challenge, every experience, every success and every meltdown we have ever had – Everything you go through is meant to teach you, strengthen you and “grow you” into the person you are meant to be. – is indicative of the inspirational prose delivered on any given Thursday, and on October 2, 2014 we learned that to Accept Your Growth! is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. 



from the blog Breaking Free/Living Life
nominated post The World of Triggers

what to believe

The World of Triggers


Rather it is an addiction, that is the burden we carry, or post traumatic stress disorder has us walking on eggshells, or  we are haunted by a memory, that awakes us screaming in a cold sweat, each episode usually follows what are referred to as triggers or ‘the button that sets things off’ and turmoil into motion. Dealing with our triggers proactively is productive – is one of seven easily understood subheadings, which takes us from  understanding The World of Triggers Regardless how big or little the triggers may be, the reaction is the same -to the desired  Result: freedom! 



2014 Season-Ending Show – Thepublicblogger Awards trailer

Up Next: Best Comedy/Humor blog, post or podcast
Still to come: Best short/long story fiction/nonfiction and Best Post or Blog

Please visit the main stage for the revealed nominees in your favorite categories.{Song of the Year, Best Poetry Spiritual Healing & Best Visual Art Piece}

2014 Season-Ending Show – Thepublicblogger Awards
New Year’s Eve
Only @ thepublicblogger.com

Welcome to The Neighborhood

16 Comments on “Wisdom to Believe in Ourselves

  1. Pingback: 2014 Best in Blog Entertainment Nominees ‘Spotlight on Self-Help’ | 2015 Thepublicblogger Awards Nominee & Guest Lounge

  2. Pingback: The Six Categories | The Neighborhood VIP Lounge

  3. Pingback: 2014 Best in Blog Entertainment Nominees ‘Spotlight on Self-Help’ | The Neighborhood VIP Lounge

  4. Thank you Kendall! This really brightened my day, to see my name up there. truly an honor.

    and it is great to browse other nominees’ blogs, very interesting reads! Good luck everyone…


  5. It is truly an honour, thank you!
    Congratulations to my fellow nominees.
    May you continue to inspire and be great! May you be granted all of your heart’s desires.
    Miss M.


  6. Hi Kendall,
    That is lovely. The kind of music that tells a story.
    I was just listening to a album by Miles Davis called Kind of Blue that was really mellow too.
